A blog on War gaming in North-eastern North America from 1670-1815, the life of an ex EFL instructor, a family man formerly in Japan and now in Canada , a camper, a reenactor, a drummer, and all round crazy but home Nova Scotian. Having taught for an extended period my career is now in private security.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Nerf fighting, Daddy's revenge!
My pistol held 2 shots, his only one! HAAA HAAA HAAAA. Later on this Golden week, more of same. He's now asking for the double barrelled one.
Ians evil chuckle
Once again, he won and he was giggling like mad as he then realised that the Scots Raiders could pillage to their hearts content, even the English farmer's wife was taken with the Scottish leader and rode off with him.
Are you ok daddy? It's only a game!
Here I am trying to figure out how my 6 year old son has beaten me again! Maybe he's using loaded dice, yeah that's it. That, and my musketeers kept either misfiring or were crap shots!
The livestock in the fields
Livestock in the field. Some English farmers armed with matchlocks try to drive off some Scots raiders
Scottish market day
The English farmers escort their last wagonloads into the strong farm. The storehouse/windmill is packed with grain, whiskey, and livestock in the fields.
Scottish border action
This scenario is from Wargammes Illustrated. It's set in the Scottish/English borders. In this action, a Scottish Raiding party have decided to raid an English farm just before market day
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Bicycle built for four
I haven't figured out the zoom in function so well on my phone camera. Ian rode with our family friends around a course. These cars were all bicycled powered. The day was great as the weather was wonderfully balmy at 25c and nice sunshine. The park was crowded with thousands of people in families. Litterally hundreds of children all running around having fun in a park. Many Japanese people love to get out in green places. Too bad we have to pay a bundle to get in. But it's money well spent.
Obstacles at HC Andersen Park
Golden week first event
Golden week in Japan is a series of public holidays which fall during the first week of May. Actually, the first holiday is April 29, but it fell on a Sunday this year so Monday is the holiday. This is a friend of our family crawling with Ian at HC Andersen Park in Funabashi, Chiba prefecture. Our families spent seven hours crawling about this outdoor jungle gym, having a nice lunch. I haven't had such good burgers in a long time (they were advertised as American size which meant they were actual size, not the tiny things you usually get.)
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Ian in his urban camo rain coat

I`m calm, I`m at peace, I`m enlightened
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Dominos pizza comes to town
Kamagaya has been without a decent pizza shot since Pizza Hut closed shop about 3 years ago. This branch opened just last weekend. I guess I know where I'll be getting my birthday feed this year.
Ian in karate
Ian has now joined a Karate class geared for children. It's a good way for him to make friends, have more confidence, as well as getting rid of stress.
Flesh meat
Ah yes, part of live in Japan is the joy of finding signs that use English without proof reading. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Baby back ribs".
Monday, 9 April 2012
Ians first day of school

Ian's backpack is called a Landsale, one of the ideas the Prussian army gave to Japan. All elementary school students from the first to sixth grade have one, usually the same for their entire elementary career.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
My vacation solo battle
Japanese deer, The Shika
There is bit of a story behind this shot. It reminds me of a situation I had back in Nova Scotia with my Korean friends. In 1997, the Korean host family I stayed with visited my family in Canada. Outside, my father had left a set of deer antlers lying on the ground. The Koreans were immediately surprised and shocked that we had them just lying around. Koreans, like the Chinese will use deer antler for traditional medicines. My friend was trying to figure out how we could take them back to Korea. His wife asked me what we were going to do with them, to which I replied that he would make them into buttons, knife handles or other tools.
When we got back to Korea and my friends were talking to the other staff, they were aghast that we'd have something so valuable lying on the ground.
This deer in Japan had his antlers sawn off to prevent him from ramming kids.
Japanese meat &potato
Happy Easter with a pink banana
Sakura party
Sakura or cherry blossoms
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Royal Eccossais, Regiment Rooth, Regiment Dillion, Fitzjames Horse
Ian As a light infantry
Result of bombardment on Blair Castle

Interesting way to end a game I suppose.
Siege of blair castle
Blair castle in Scotland was besieged by the Jacobites in March, 1746. It was held by the 21st Regiment, The Royal Scots Fusiliers. The Jacobites were unsuccessful and had to fall back on Inverness.
My Kids with daikon

Sunday, 1 April 2012
Raid on Keith 1746

Assault vest kit or Emergency stuff

An Espit hexa-block stove. My Dad used these when he was attached to 4th Battalion (TA) Royal Green Jackets back in the summer of 1974. I also picked up some Sporks made by a Swedish company. I also found a water proof match case which I have back in Canada, but didn't have here. As a back up, I also have included a lighter.
Slowly but surely I'm getting my emergency gear together.
My vest was a Christmas present back about 1986. It was made in Korea, which is where I ended up ten years later. The name tag I got from a Canadian military supply company which name I seem to have forgotten at the moment.