Saturday, 19 December 2020

Compaigne Frances uniforms

 Between metal and plastic I have built several units with the uniforms. I shall put up some of these shortly

Most of the uniforms which I have modelled them in 1/72 are of the companies dressed in garrison uniforms they would have worn in several forts in New France. This would be a justecoat of grey-white, blue breeches, blue waistcoat. From the 1750s white gaiters were added. Tricorns edged in yellow or gold

Outposts would see the soldiers either in just their waistcoat and breeches. Or in Amerindian inspired leggings and loincloths with a Bonnet du police, a type of forge cap.

While out on campaign, they had a more Canadien look or adapted to the environment.

La Milice du Nouveau France

 Recently, I've seen some interesting information concerning the French militia of New France.

During the 1759 campaign it had been reported that the only uniform the militia had were knit caps in specific colors. This is now false. However I have already painted up several metal figures in this so they say remain.

The other figures I have in knit caps shall remain the same. Militia wore practical clothing from their experience in the forest. Officers were only distinguished by the better quality of their clothes and a gorget.

This post shows the militia units I have built both in plastic and metal.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Thirty years War source

 One of my old friends allowed me to borrow some books. This Osprey helps fill in the gaps in my 17th century warfare 

Within this volume is information on the Scottish units which the Swedish army employed.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Soldiers of Congress: The Continential Marines

I've been working on these fellows since the summer. I've had the figures since about 1988 and began painting them for display. One I get them up, I might just donate them to a blanket shoot as I'm not really into large sized figures now as I was when younger 

Soldiers of King George:Grenadier, 35th Regiment

I have probably begun postings on the Regiments which served in North America, but I am revamping the pages.
The 35th Regiment. This regiment served first at Fort William-Henry then Louisbourg in 1758
As for this Regiment, the coat was red faced orange.
I have modeled the Regiment as it would have looked at its training depot.

Covenanters Church, Hortonville Nova Scotia

this church is 200 years old, having been built either with the New England Planters arrival or after the American Revolution 

 and as the plaque mentions, this dates almost to the War of 1812. The site has been used as a movie set for the film Mary Sillimans War back in 1992. 

in in the 1920s, smaller protestant churches merged into the United church of Canada.


Sunday, 9 August 2020

Port Maitland Encampment August 2020

 Probably the only military reenactment we will be able to do this year

Lunch with Mary-Jane in raviln at Fort Anne

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Siege of Fort Niagra July 1812

I'm continuing my actions on this fort. And this time the British and Canadian forces cross the river from Upper Canada
The Americans allowed the Crown forces to advance and proceed to blast apart the Militia wing on the right with their Artillery. This was a feint. The main thrust was by the Amerindians charging the left bastion. The British centre procecced to cut down the Americans as they advanced out of the main gate. At last, a clear British victory. 

Siege of Fort Niagra July 1779

I'm stretching history a bit. I'm going to have an action by General Sullivan contine from the Mohawk valley up to the fort.
Some British, mostly Mohawk and Canadien defenders
American units from the army

So I have begun to set up this battle. Main issue as my son noted is that the American force seems small to try and take on a British held fort. However, I will see about enlarging the American force, including potential Artillery.
Eventually the Crown forces were able to cut apart the Americans but not to the extent they thought they could. The Royal Artillery failed in their counter battery fire, and the Americans were close to taking the fort, however British musketry kept them at bay.

Siege of Fort Niagra July, 1759

So I've decided to do a Seven Years War based action whereby the Anglo-american army will lay siege to capture the fort.
As well this will also allow me to look at the battle of La Belle Famillie
I've built 2 stone bastions  a gatehouse and a fortified barracks.
If I cant reenact this summer, I shall fight some tactical battles.

Presently, June, 2020, I have set up the 1759 campaign. The Anglo-Americans are beginning to dig
trench lines.
The French are in the process of manning their trenches and walls. The Amerindians will see about sorties against les anglais

The first turn featured the French repositioning some of their field guns to a forward position while a massive demonstration of troops were used by the British to mask the militia digging gun positions and trenches.
 the French begin to deploy in the forward defences

 the Anglo-american left begin to build a siege battery

Le Cannonier-Bombardier begin to fire on the battery ensuring that it will remain silent

 the Canadien milice hold the bastion at the gatehouse 

 the Hurons and Courier de bois rush out and engage the Light infantry 

who despite trading volleys will be shot apart

French Artillery have kept the battery silent

the Colonial troops begin to mass for an assault 

while the British Grenadiers begin to assault the French gate.

the Highlanders are held in reserve

Then the Compaigne Frances de La Marine arrive

the American colonial troops suffer broken morale

and the French begin a general advance to clear away the dreaded Les Anglais
Eventually, the French Companies Frances de La Marine engaged the Anglo-american force at La Belle Famillie and flanked the siege lines. New France was safe for now.