Thursday, 31 March 2022

The Wild Geese

An interesting history of the Irish Regiments which switched from James II to Louis the 14th army.
I did a paper on these units for my BA Irish history course, but my prof wasn't a fan of military history. 
Of interest, these units were unable to recruit any new Irishmen after 1746 due to the fact that they had served in Scotland.
Eventually by the time of the Napoleonic period, they were stuck off strength.


Piracy after the War of Spanish Succession

One of the reasons the early 18th century was such a golden age was due to the fact that thousands of soldiers and sailors found themselves unemployed and turned to this trade in order to survive. 
No eye patches or headscarf here, a much better depiction than other books.


English Fortress in North America

One of the forts I visited in New Hampshire back in 1987 is listed Fort Number 4.
Sadly, Nova Scotia isn't covered much.


French Fortresses in North America

 Every major and minor fort the French constructed from Louisbourg to Louisiana is covered. Amazingly how far they got. And how far inland some of the stone forts actually were. As well, it shows how parts of the present USA were actually parts of New France until the loss of Montreal in 1760

The British Army in North America 1775-1783

Why 2 copies of the same book? At one time I had 3 and my father has a 4th!
I bought the reprinted issue for the colour plates. 
These volumes centers on British Regiments which served in North America. The original Osprey series was limited to uniforms, how advanced its now become is mind boggling


Tuesday, 15 March 2022

American Independence War Commanders


I bought this in Tokyo of all places. Gives a good biography of the main commanders. 

French army of the American War of Independence


One of the books I bought many years ago. I've used this volume to paint up several troops particularly Grenadiers for Luzons Legion.
Once I get a chance to check my French troops I'll post some pictures in another post 

British Light Infantry of the Seven Years War


One of the books I got during my MA research. I've painted up several companies for my Louisbourg and Quebec British force.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

British Regiments of the Seven Years War 22nd Regiment


The 22nd Regiment served at both Louisbourg and Quebec. However only the Grenadiers went to Quebec.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

French Regiments in New France: La Sarre


I've only modeled the Grenadier company at the moment but I may find some other figures for the remaining companies. This is not so unusual as Montcalm regularly sent penny packets of his troops to far off garrisons.

French Regiments in New France: Berry

 This Regiment sent 2 battalions to fight. As such I have given them the most figures 

French Regiments in New France: Royal-Roussillon

 One of the few French Regiments sent over with blue cuffs. 


French Regiments in New France: Bearn

 When it comes to painting French infantry for New France, it can be pretty easy. Most regiments had White coats faced Red, the catch is to see the colour of the waistcoat.

Regiment du Bearn officially had its uniform colours changed due to supply but I'm going to keep them as painted, my unit which needs paint will be done with the Canadien uniform. 

This battalion had taken part in operations at Frontenac 1755, then Niagra in 1756 where it then took part in the attack on Oswego, and Fort Bull and a raid on Fort William-Henry.
It was at Carillon in 1758 defeating the Anglo-american army
By 1759, it was back in Quebec for the siege.
Most of the battalion were able to retreat to Montreal and returned in the spring of 1760 for the battle of St Foix

French Regiments in North America: La Reine

 Regiment La Reine was 24th in line of seniority in the French order. It was the Queens Regiment which meant the uniform of the drummers was opposite of those of the test of the army. The Queens Regiment drummers wore red coats faced Blue rather than the Blue coats faced Red.

Another confusing aspect of the uniform that La Reine had was the difference between the European uniform and that worn in New France. This was due to supply shortages.

While in Europe, the Regiment had white coats faced Red with blue waistcoat.

In New France however they had white coats faced Red with red waistcoat. 

The original metal pole has long gone, so a piece of pasta which I will paint shall be the new one. I've also sealed the paper flag with scotch tape to protect it.

The battalion was not actually in Quebec during the siege as they had been sent to Fort Carillon which they blew up before falling  back to fortifiy Ile-aux-Noix South of Montreal.
They would play a part of Levis force at St. Foix in 1760
The troops need a paint touch up