My gear consists of a British Army issue Balaclava for AFV crews, a Mk II DPM NBC suit (because of Fukushima Dainichi blowing up, we're not sure if the rain is not radioactive) and beneath that, a nylon camoflage suit.
In Japan, I'm always stared at as I'm a foreigner. My feeling is, if you want to stare, have a reason. Nothing like going on the train in this stuff, or showing up at my schools. My students and teachers all think I look cool, though I'm not trying to invade anywhere.
The nylon suit I picked up at a Japanese shot called Workman, and my other military gear comes from the excellent British company www.cadetdirect.com which sells British and NATO gear.
The nylon suit I picked up at a Japanese shot called Workman, and my other military gear comes from the excellent British company www.cadetdirect.com which sells British and NATO gear.
I`m calm, I`m at peace, I`m enlightened