This years edition, consists of a movie day, a day at the park with a picnic, and a bbq.
The movies I rented were Titanic (1997) Aliens (1986) going for a James Cameron double feature, and Pocohantas (1995) to give my kids a little bit of our culture, although filtered by Disney.
Kung Fu Panda 2 also featured in the bill.
Our trip to the park was once again to our favorite place, Big Hill Park in Inzai. I decided to go ethnic by makin Hummus in Pita, though I had to substitute white beans for chick peas.
I then made a peanut sauce to go with it. Quite tasty.
We played with our dart guns, then came home to play kick ball in the street. Followed by our Saturday night ritual of watching House MD and Dexter.
Sunday was our bbq. It was a little quiter this year as I just had my family. I also started my BBQ with some gel fuel, as well as a nice little metal helper which burns the charcoal faster. I began my fire at 10:45 and it was rearing to go by 11:15. By noon, we had cooked half of our food. 5 big sausages, 10 sticks of yakitori, or grilled chicken on skewers, and 3 steaks. I also made 8 baked potatoes.

Yakitori on the grill
By 13:00 we had finished. The rest of the afternoon, we relaxed and played.

Ian takes a try at roasting marshmallows

I got the BBQ going early

Mrs. Redden relaxing

The Redden ladies bbq marshmallows
Monday saw us take back our DVDs, and go out to a park in Chiba Newtown, however as we began walking through the park, we noticed that there were grass areas roped off. There were warning signs up that there was still residual radiation from the meltdown of the nuclear power plants from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.
We then waked around the AEON shopping centre, and went into another camping store to look around, then had a late lunch at an Italian all you can eat restaurant.
All in all, it was a great 4 days. Sometimes the best fun is when you don't plan stuff, but just go out.

Well said Daddy.