Tuesday, 4 December 2018

New 18th century Osperys for Christmas for my library

Osprey Publishing had a sale, so I bought British Redcoat vs French Fusilier, Continental vs Redcoat, Patriot Militiaman in the American Revolution, and French Fortresses in North America.

Several of these books I have had on my wish list for nearly four years, and since the sale was such a discount, I jumped at the chance.
the militiaman one may be out of stock, so i will see if they send later.
All the books save the Patriot Militiamen arrived on 12/11/2018. I now have some more campaigns I can fight.
I shall also build a few more stone forts based on the new fortification book.
The Militia book is on the way as well as Osprey contacted me to update that they had a copy.
my other Christmas presents 
All of these books were very enjoyable to read the Seven Years War French and Indian War volume was quite enlightening with some other battles which I was unaware of,  the American Revolution title for the British versus Americans was also enlightening. The  American Patriot militiamen volume however was what I expected very heavy on a pro-american stance however it did give an insight into the southern campaign.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Iroquoian Warriors pre contact to 1700

Around 1988, I really got into wargames, and my first big influx of figures was from the Canadian company RAFM based in Ontario. They had a figure series called Flint and Feather which is the name of a new skirmish game system by Howard Whitehouse, Lee VanSchaik and Roderick Robertson
The First Nations figures I have in metal are mostly carrying war clubs and wooden armor.
When I use these figures for my Seven Years War, its stretching it a bit as many of these warriors would have been armed with muskets.
I shall post some shots of them shortly.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Fontenoy 1745

So my next mid 18th century battle will be Fontenoy.

The main reason for doing this battle is the fact that the Wild Geese had such a main role as did the Black Watch.
My French metropolitan army is gaining strength as is the British, Prussian and Hanoverian.
Mostly, it's filling out the Cavalry and the infantry.
So over my restaurant shutdown, I will see what I can do.
the main French line

the Allied centre made up of Hessian, British and Dutch troops

oday's battle

The Highland Brigade take the hill supported by the Royal Artillery

The main British force, two columns of Troops and horse

looking towards the French lines

the first battalion of Highlanders reaches the hill with gun support 

the French right begin to fire

a French heavy gun fires, neat effect with cotton wool
the Brunswickers line fire

both lines begin to exchange musketry enveloping the battlefield with gunsmoke

the French cavalry open fire with their carbines and pistols scattering the Brunskers

musketry continues to be exchanged
the French cavalry charge the Brunswickers, breaking their line

the Prussian horse counter charge

the French right wing eliminate their opponents (who were made up of the 43rd Black Watch). 

the 64th and 88th Highlanders attempt to hold the hill. The French eventually drive off the Highlanders but suffer horrendous casualties in the process.

The British Grenadiers break through the French line

but the move is negated by the Wild Geese flanking the entire Allied right wing. As French guns begin to decimate the Brunswickers and Prussians, the Allied Army withdrawls.

Once again a historical win for the French.

American Continental Units 1779

One of my other purchases recently was two boxes of Italeri American Continental Units. My goal is to paint up some more American units for the main campaign for the later part of the Revolution.
My British units could also use some extra but as a large amount of Highlanders and Light infantry were bought, the Americans need some recruitment and training.

So far with the two boxes of infantry I bought, I was able to make five infantry regiments.
One regiment I have painted in blue coats to be faced buff with white waistcoats and breeches.
The other regimental coats I will paint as blue faced red. The majority of the units I shall paint up for the Virginia Line, the Maryland Line and Pennsylvania

10/22/2018 update
I have taken a look at my units I have painted and mounted and have found I have about five brigades of infantry!

This means I can field an army for Saratoga, Philidelphia, and Monmouth.
As I paint up my units I shall of course be adding pictures.
I've found some of my resource books are all over the place on what the units wore, or the condition they were in.
I have reflected this in the choice of colour in the breeches in some units. I have also painted up a few units in captured uniforms or a mix of uniforms.

It's been fun to find the information, base and paint the units. Most will be of the blue faced red variety.

Eventually, I may build some more units for cavalry, Lights and such. I have enough artillery

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Fort George, 1813, America attacks

the moose looks on 

Mohawk warriors being to advance on the Americans

a lone French looking American scouts out the small river
The American attack was successful in so far as driving the British and Canadians back into the fort, thus ensuring that they controlled the countryside. The Mohawks while brave were cut down. The British troops took casualties and Canadian militia were able to hold back the Americans from pushing into the fort. The fort was saved, but would need to be besiged in order for the British to be driven from the area.

Friday, 14 September 2018

1812 project in progress

Caldwell's Rangers were a light infantry unit with cut down shakos. Their alternative name was the Western Rangers. Need to paint their caps and trousers!

The Leeds Rifle Company were actually a militia company, and the Upper Canadian Militia were uniformed in green due to a shortage of red cloth. PAINT SHAKOS REDDEN!

The Canadian Fencibles I have modeled in fatigue caps just for the fact that I had no other figures and also in the ram charge position, you can't see that they are actually rifles. I'm not sure why I haven't painted their caps

The 49th Regiment are one of the few Regular British Regiments in Canada at the time. More shakos to paint

The 8th Regiment had lots of long service in Canada. Really? Still more shakos to paint!

The Glengarry Light Infantry are one of the most famous Canadian units in the history of the War of 1812. Ugh, I wonder how long my painting que is?

American 10th US Infantry. Paint paint paint

US 6th Infantry. Maybe done?

US 28th Infantry. Some more details 

US 11th Infantry.  I'll check my books

Various American militia units.
Canadian Light Dragoons. My militias look ok. My dragoons just need belts painted.
Updated on 12/6/2018
I finally have some vacation so I painted up the shakos and belts on the rifle companies and the shakos on the regular Canadian and British units.
Any other units fielded for the crown forces for the War of 1812 will come from some of the  Miniatures which I have for either the Seven Years War or the American Revolution which can coming into the War of 1812. In a pinch considering that they are wearing civilian type clothing.
I've also gotten some more Napoleonic British Infantry so I am going to do up the 100th Regiment of Foot. Plus additions to the Fencibles

Thursday, 13 September 2018

War of 1812 104th Regiment (New Brunswick)

I am recreating this unit for my crown forces as they are a Maritime Canadian Regiment.
They had red coats faced light buff. As I still have lots of buff paint, easy enough to knock out. Eight figures with a command stand.
The 104th recruited in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. They made a trek through New Brunswick to Quebec in the winter of 1813 and took part in many campaigns there.
Originally raised as a fencible regiment, they elected to be placed on the British establishment.

So I got some new figures which I'll have to paint as them.

Monday, 10 September 2018

War of 1812 American 16th Infantry

The first American unit I have started on is the US 16th Infantry. This regiment wore black coats faced red.
While I have previously painted up American militia, these units are those who make up the regular army.

War of 1812 10th Royal Veteran's Battalion

The 10th Royal Veteran's Battalion was a battalion made up of veterans of the British forces for service in the colonies. This unit gave the colonial authorities of British North America a seasoned core of troops who could help instill a sense of pride in defense of King and country.
As a Royal unit, the battalion wore red coats faced blue.
This is the first Crown forces unit I will be working on.
The figures modeled will be eight figures at shoulder arms position, with a command stand.
Once all painted up, I shall post.
And dang I need to paint their shakos!

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Siege of Louisbourg 1758. British assault on the Dauphin Bastion

This coming Saturday, I'm going to have a battle day with one of my reenactment mates. He wants to be the British, Ian wants to be the colonial commander so I will be the French defender.
Pictures will follow

Hamilton deploys his troops to begin assault.

The French positions. My strategy was to see how the British would conduct their attack.

The main British assault came in this area. For some reason, Alistar kept his Rangers in reserve for most of the game and used his Highlanders to do the brunt of the attack.

Once he had taken out most of the French artillery save the lone gun, he began his assault on the King's bastion.

However, my attack went better than planned. The Cannonier-Bombardier took out the Royal Artillery while the 
French regular regiments used the bayonet to clear the area with support from the sailors of the French navy. The MikMaq gave support to Le Compaigne Frances de La Marine. All in all, Wolfe's attack failed, Louisbourg continued to live! Vive La France!

Monday, 6 August 2018

Battle of Brandywine, 1777

My take on the Philidelphia campaign of 1777.
the centre of the American line being assaulted by the Crown forces

Americans push against the Hessians on the crown right.

Various American skirmishers supported by some Light Dragoons

The British composite Grenadier and Light Infantry battalions about to hit the American right.

and the British Left wing begins to hit the rebels

Crown lights and dragoons push through the woods
The American's eventually crumbled under the intense pressure on all their flanks.
The deluded subjects were forced to flee.
God Save the King!