I returned my security officers uniforms today, and stopped at the hobby shop I go to. I picked up the new double sets they have. One is the Prussian/Austrian infantry set which will soon become British and French. The other is their Dragoon/Hussars so obviously more French Hussars and some English and French dragoons.
With the new books on the French army, I shall have Hussars, dragoons, and infantry.
I can flesh out my Quebec and Louisbourg garrisons, and flesh out the British by trimming the Prussians tricorns.
I didn't add the box art due to a glaring inaccuracy. While it looked good, I couldn't get past the fact that every soldier was carrying a percussion cap musket!!!!
October 22 2018 update
So far my infantry have been painted up to flesh out several different British and French units. At the moment, all the French regiments which were in Canada and Ilse Royale have been fleshed out.
As far as my British Regiments, I have also beefed them up with the addition of some extra Regiments for service in Europe. These include the 3rd(buffs) 32(white) and 13th(yellow) These are mostly Grenadier companies.
My Cavalry have seen an increase in units being fielded. Both the Allies and the French now have additional units to use on the battlefield. As time permits I shall be adding photos of the units.

some of the figures on the battlefield who are based but need some more paint

the infantry