A blog on War gaming in North-eastern North America from 1670-1815, the life of an ex EFL instructor, a family man formerly in Japan and now in Canada , a camper, a reenactor, a drummer, and all round crazy but home Nova Scotian. Having taught for an extended period my career is now in private security.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Prestonpans part 8

Prestonpans part 7

Prestonpans part 5

Prestonpans part 4

Prestonpans part 3
Prestonpans part 2

The Battle of Prestonpans 1745

How our reenacting all began

Painting guides, sources of inspiration
The Seven Years War website: http://kronoskaf.com/syw/index
Canadian Military Heritage Group website: www.cmhg.gc.ca
Flintlock and Tomahawk blog
Tarleton’s Quarter blog
Osprey Publishing books: Many of these book my father and I have collected since Osprey publishing began in the mid 1970's.
MAA 460 Frederick the Great’s Allies 1756-63 (Reid 2010)
MAA 366 Colonial American Troops (1) 1610-1774 (Chartrand, 2002)
MAA Colonial American Troops (2) 1610-1774 (Chartrand, 2002)
MAA Colonial American Troops (3) 1610-1774 (Chartrand, 2002)
MAA 48 Wolfe’s Army (May 1974)
MAA Montcalm’s Army (Winndrow 1973)
MAA 273 George Washington’s Army (1)
MAA 290 George Washington’s Army (2)
MAA 39 The British Army in North America 1775-1783 (2 copies)
MAA 244 French Army in American War of Independence (Chartrand)
MAA The Black Watch
MAA The Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders
MAA 228 American Woodland Indians
MAA 285 King George’s Army (1) (Reid)
MAA 289 King George’s Army (2) (Reid)
MAA 292 King George’s Army (3) (Reid)
MAA 261 18th Century Highlanders (Reid)
MAA The Jacobite Rebellions 1689-1746 ()
MAA 302 LouisXV’s Army (2) French Infantry (Chartrand 1997)
MAA 313 Louis XV’s Army (5) Colonial and Naval Troops (Chartrand 1997)
MAA 450 American Loyalist Troops 1775-1784 (Chartrand 2008)
MAA The Wild Geese (1980)
MAA 279 The Border Reivers
MAA 118 The Jacobite Rebellions 1689-1745
MAA 260 Peter The Great’s Army 1 Infantry
MAA 264 Peter the Great’s Army 2 Cavalry
WAR Samurai 1550-1600 (Turnbull 1995)
WAR Highland Clansman 1689-1746 (Reid)
WAR British Redcoat (Reid)
WAR 85 American Colonial Ranger 1724-64 (Zaboly)
WAR British Light Infantryman in the Seven Years War (Macallum/Todish)
WAR 126 Highlander in the French-Indian War 1756-67 (Macallum)
CAM Culloden 1746 The Highland Clans Last Charge ()
CAM Culloden 1746 (Reid)
CAM Monongahela 1754-55 Washington’s Defeat, Braddock’s diaster
CAM Louisbourg 1758 Wolfe’s First Siege (Chartrand)
CAM Ticonderoga 1758 (Chartrand)
CAM 121 Quebec 1759 (Reid 2003)
CAM 135 Monmouth Courthouse 1778 (Morrissey 2004)
CAM 2 Austerlitz 1805 Battle of the Three Emperors (Chandler 1990)
CAM Jena 1806 Napoleon crushes Prussia (Chandler )
CAM 48 Salamanca 1812 Wellington Crushes Marmont (Fletcher 1997)
CAM Leipzig 1813
CAM New Orleans 1815 (Knight)
ELE American Revolutionary War Commanders (Chartrand)
ELE British Colours & Standards 1747-1881 (1) Cavalry (Summer 2001)
ELE 149 The Scottish Jacobite Army 1745-46 (Reid 2006)
ODR 3 Quebec 1759 (Chartrand 1999)
FOG 6 Cities of Gold Africa and the Americas 1494-1698 (2011)
Fort Dusequene
Raid on Fort Duquesne September 9, 1758 Refought 12/18/11
Major Grant advanced his troops carefully along the Alleghany river to his objective. The colonial rangers were providing a forward cover while the 77th Highlanders made up the first units of his advance. The Grenadier companies were dispersed along the length of the collum. The other provincial units held the rear while the British regulars made up the centre. The French commander sent out his entire force to halt the British advance. As the Highlanders broke forth from a clearing, Les Compaignes Frances briskly advanced, fired a volley and then charged the dazed Highlanders. The rangers were then taken out by Canadien milice while the Amerindians headed straight for the regulars. The American colonials charged forth and poured a heavy volley which made most of the Amerindians flee. Eventually a French officer rallied them and then they went back to harass the regulars. The French kept up the pressure on the British line. While the provincials had cleared the way, the milice and Amerindians simply turned inward and cut them down. The British were forced into a defensive square where the commander decided to risk surrendering to the French commander. Once again, the French had blunted another advance on Ft. Duquesne.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
The Battle of Lake George
1. Battle of Lake George 1755
British Forces: French Forces:
Sir William Johnson’s New England Regt. La Reine
Army Compaigne Frances
Milice du Quebec
Johnson established a fortified camp on the shores of Lake George prior to Baron Diskeau’s arrival. The German general in the service of France was faced with a problem. His Amerindian allies would not fight unless given chance to plunder. The Baron decided that if this was to be allowed, no quarter was to be given to the English colonial force. As his artillery provided covering fire, the French advanced as a collum against the camp. As the Amerindians overran one area of the camp, the French smashed into the defenses. The battle decended into an orgy of violence and blood. No colonials were left alive. Johnson was decapitated and his head put on a stake in the middle of his camp. If the colonials wanted to challenge the Ameindians again, this was what they would expect. The French washed their hands of the affair. Diskeau would ultilize the policy which the French used in Holland fifty years before. If the colonials were terrifired of the Amerindians before, they most surely be cowered now.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Monmouth 6
Monmouth Courthouse Battlefield looking from the British position towards the Americans. The windmill is another 100 yen shop special.
The American horse. The house are templates from www.juniorgeneral.org and the ruined house is from a 100 yen shop here in Japan. The stone wall is actually the chimmney from the tavern template from the wizards of the coast website.
The British Right wing advances. The figures are a mix of IMEX, HaT, Italeri, and A Call to Arms. The flags are from www.warflag.com
The British line advances. My little boy insisted on putting his pike and shot figures in the game, they did better than the British infantry and Highlanders to their front.
The British horse advance on the Americans
Battle of Monmouth June 28, 1778
This was the largest battle in the Northern area during the American Revolution. 11,000 American troops attempted to destroy 10,000 British troops. It was General Lee's downfall and Washington was able to save his army from another defeat.
The Refight with miniatures 12/27/11
Crown Forces Continental Army
First Division: Gen. Cornwallis Gen. Lee
Royal Artillery Continental Artillery
16th Lt. Dragoons Col. Grayson’s Det
1st Light Infantry 4th/8th/12th Virginia
Queens Rangers Col. Durkee’s Det
4th/8th Connecticut
British Grenadiers 1st/2nd/ Rhode Island
1st Grenadiers Gen Maxwell
2nd Grenadiers 1st New Jersey
3rd New Jersey
Foot Guards Monmouth Militia
3rd Bde. Poor’s Bde
15th/17th/42nd/44th 1st New Hampshire
4th Bde. 3rd New Hampshire
33rd/37th/46th/64th/ 2nd New York
5th Bde. Huntington Bde.
7th/26th/63rd/ 2nd/5th Connecticut
Smallwood Bde.
Second Division Gen. von Knyphausen 3rd Maryland
Flank Guards 2nd Maryland
17th Lt. Dragoons/2nd Lt. Inf/ 40th 6th Maryland
Parkers Bde
Jagers 1st/5th/9th Virginia
1st Bde. Lord Stirling Bde
4th/23rd/28th/49th/ 1st Pennsylvania
2nd Bde. 2nd Pennsylvania
5th/10th/27th/55th 7th Pennsylvania
Hessian Bde. Butler’s Bde
Loyalist Corps 4th Pennsylvania
Maryland Loyalists 5th Pennsylvania
New Jersey Volunteers 11th Pennsylvania
1st New York
Glover’s Bde
1st/4th/10th Massachusetts
Monmouth 1
Santa was generous to us this year, on the wargamming front. IMEX The Battle of Monmouth Courthouse set. 200 British and American troops plus the Jacobite Highlanders and English civil war figures which my son wanted made quite an impressive apprearance on the kitchen table. Other figures which I painted were Italeri Napoleonic British Hussars as Queen's Rangers Hussars,
The landscaping effects come from www.juniorgeneral.org as well as a link to Wizards of the Coast for templates for buildings. I believe the cabin came from a link via http://flintlockandtomahawk.blogspot.com
The landscaping effects come from www.juniorgeneral.org as well as a link to Wizards of the Coast for templates for buildings. I believe the cabin came from a link via http://flintlockandtomahawk.blogspot.com
Monday, 26 December 2011
Trois Riverier

4th Massachusetts, 1779
More American
American colours
Compaigne Frances de La Marine

Sunday, 25 December 2011
Amerindians allied with the French

Friday, 23 December 2011
It was Christmas Eve in the trenches, enter the French
It's the day before the big day for family and friends to enjoy Christmas, eat, sleep, be merry, then clean everything up.
And here's the rest of my son's Spanish contingent. They plan on taking on Virginians or Georgians in the 2012
I realized that I haven't posted too many pics of my French units so here they are.
Also to those of you who are following this blog, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Japan

Also to those of you who are following this blog, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Japan
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Two weeks to the big day, the British await the arrival from Santa.

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