February 11, 1747 was the date of one of the most successful Canadien raids on Nova Scotia.
A party of Compaigne Franches de La Marine, Milice and Mik Maq warriors marched over land from Quebec to Nova Scotia, a distance of 2000 km in a space of 3 weeks.

French milice reenactors at Louisbourg. (Photo courtsey of Kerry Delorey)
The French forces who advanced to Grand Pre, didn't have these nice roads.

(photo courtsey of New France and Old England reenactment group, UK)

Col. Nobel's house at Grand Pre

New England troops billited in the village.

Ian deploys his French units to pounce upon the New Englanders

As the French advance, the New Englanders were sound asleep. The French attacked during a fierce snow storm.
Appropriate as this weekend, the same area is getting hit with a nasty snowstorm.
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