This battle was a part of the Monmouth campaign in New Jersey in the early summer of 1778. Howe was attempting to take his British army back to New York with Loyalists. The Americans attempted to try and destroy the British army.
Barren Hill was Howe's last chance to defeat the American army, and threw almost his entire force against the position.
The American forces consisted of 4 brigades under the command of Lafayate, his first battlefield command.
Photos of upcoming battle will be posted in the near future
The British troops consisted of:
Grey's Brigade: 15th Foot/17th Foot/42nd Foot, Black Watch:two battalions/44th Foot
Grant's Brigade: 5th Foot/23rd Foot/28th Foot/49th Foot/5th Foot/10th Foot/27th Foot/55th Foot
Howe/Clinton: Hessians, Loyalists, Grenadiers, Light Infantry
This battle is to be refought on March 28, 2013 as a farewell party with my co-worker whose off to his first solo teaching position.

Howe and Clinton's column: The Grenadiers with 23rd Regiment, Light Infantry and Hessians. During the game, this section was fought over very hard. The Grenadiers took heavy casualties. The Light Infantry were destroyed by the American Riflemen.

Grey's column: 15th/17th/42nd X 2/33rd/37th/46th/64th. This column then deployed into line to attack....

Poor's Militia Brigade of 1st New Jersey Militia. This battalion suffered greatly from concentrated artillery fire.

McLean's pickets of Rifles, and Light Infantry and Oneida warriors. This small unit put up a hard fight and only disperesed after they had taken heavy casualties.

Grant's column deploy into line with RA gun support 4th/28th/49th/5th/10th/27th/55th. This strong unit opened up with artillery fire to soften up the militia, then advanced calmly up the slope.

Potter's militia brigade: 2nd Militia battalion from New Jersey. This unit was pounded by the RA and broke when the British got within volley range.

Poor's main Continental line regiments holding the village on the ridge. 1NH/2NH/3NH/2NY/4thNY. These units attempted to hold but on seeing the militia break and cut down, they too lost heart and ran to.....

Poor deploys a gun with a militia battalion to guard Matson's Ford. The British objective of the game was to try and encircle the Americans with a Pincer movement. Unfortuantely for the British, the American rifles and lights destroyed the 17th Light Dragoons who were to have rushed ahead with gun support to take the bridge.
All in all, it was an interesting battle. Mr. Coombs took the American army while I had the British. His experience playing D&D helped with his gaming.
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