I love it as no other. Where man is free to ply his trade, and each to each his brother. The Hills and Glens that I love well. The rolling surf that charms me. The lakes with speckled trout lie still and all is peace around me. In summer warmth and winter cold. In fog and storm and sunshine, whater it's mood me heart is here and will remain for all time
(The Hills and Glens collected by Dr. Helen Creighton)
This song has a special place in my heart for I learned it as part of a school singing contest when I was a third grade student back in 1983.
My wife and I are preparing our trip to go home and were remembering all of the places we miss.
My hometown of Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, half-way between the equator and the north pole.

The old train station and the dayliners. This shot was taken in the 1980s. I found it on wikipedia

(courtsey of NS Tourism)

VIA Rail's The Ocean, the train which goes between Halifax, Nova Scotia and Montreal, Quebec.

Ketchup Potato chips


and Donairs! (all photos were found with google search)
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