Friday, 21 February 2025

British 1812

 I picked up the Italeri box of Waterloo British Infantry which was designed to look like they were in square.

And I was happy to see 2 styles of shako

So those of the older style will become Uniformed Canadian Fencibles while the newer will become 1st Foot. Or they could become 100th Regiment. I'll have to check my kit

The 100th Regiment had Redcoats faced yellow

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Greenspring Farm 6 July 1781

 September 2019 issue of Wargames Illustrated had a whimsical scenario concerning air ships in the 18th century taking part in the American Revolution. 

Im not to do the fantasy idea of airship, but seeing as this action is in Virginia, we can fight an action which could end the Revolution, and try and defeat the Franco-American forces.

Lord Cornwallis:

17th Light Dragoons: Red coats faced blue

British Legion: Green coats faced blue or whire

Col Yorke:

1st Light Regt: several light companies from the regiments

2nd Light Regt: same as above

Footguards: red coats faced blue

23rd Foot: red coats faced blue

33rd Foot: red coats faced red

Col. Dundas:

Royal Artillery: 2 6pdrs

43rd Foot: red coats faced white

76th Foot: highlanders in redcoats faced green

80th Foot: redcoats

71st Foot highlanders in redcoats faced white

82nd Foot Lights: red coats faced black

Von Bose Regt: blue coats faced white

Jaeger Detachment green: coats

Col. Simcoe

Queens Rangers: both infantry and horse. Green coats faced blue

North Carolina Loyalists: if in uniform green coats faced white or civilian attire

Marquis De Lafayette 

Gen. Wayne:

Light Infantry 

1st Pennsylvania 

2nd Pennsylvania 

3rd Pennsylvania 

Gimats Light Battalion 

Virginia Rifles 

Armands Legion Horse

1st Continental Dragoons 

Continental Artillery: 3x 4lb guns

Col. Gimat Light brigade

3 Light Battalions

Baron VON Steuben

Virginia Continental Line

Steven's Virginia Militia 

LAWSONS Virginia Militia 

Campbell's Virginia Rifles 

Marquis de St. SIMON 

Chasseurs a Pied



Artillery: 6 guns

Agenois Regt

Gatinois Regt

Touraine Regt

Charlies awa tae France

 October 1997 of Wargames illustrated gave me this wee game set in the summer of 1746.

Prince Charles Edward Stuart's is being crashed like a deer across the Highlands of Scotland 

Royalist Forces

2 infantry sections with an officer/ sgt 6 men each

2 mounted patrols with officer/sgt 4 troopers

Checkpoint x 2 with officer/sgt 3 soldier each


Charlie (disguised as a woman)

A mounted figure, 

About 10 highlanders in total

The objective of the Jacobites is to get across the table without getting caught.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

An Uncivil War Vendee ,France 1793

 An inspiration on Invasion via Wargames Illustrated July 2019.

The French Revolution wasn't all most of the country against the Royalists. The Vendee in western France around the Loire River was the site of a Royalist/Catholic army against the new republic.

To field my force i shall use

AWI American militia as the Vendean with a smattering of SYW French i have.

The Republicans ill have in various shades of blue using French troops i have painted up.

Throw in some guns, some horse and I have another 18th century skirmish to do.

Monday, 25 November 2024

Malplaquet September 11, 1709

 One of the big battles if the War of Spanish Succession, 

Like really big

So I'm going to focus on a small section, based on the Wargames Illustrated article of their February 2020 article. 


6 battalions in redans in the centre, 

7 battalions in the Bois de Sars (a fortified position) 

A further 5 battalions in reserve with 22 squadrons of horse. (Well, whatever I have)

5 guns in total.


4 British battalions 

8 Prussian Battalions

5 guns

As many British horse as I have.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Over 180,000 views

 Im surprised that I'm still getting views on this blog despite not getting much new content up. I'm hoping to get some stuff going again soon. 

The Sambro light has been on Devils Island since the 18th century 


Friday, 1 November 2024

Im itching to play this period again

 Just trying to find some time, and also I have an idea to try and write an article for Wargames Illustrated about Wargamming the period in the Atlantic region.

Bold, but something to try. I just need to finish off my Team Yankee game and can then start an 18th century one

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Port Royal Habitation, Nova Scotia

 This historic site is now just down the road from where my Dad lives. Cool. The site is a 1939 reconstruction of the 1604 Habitation Champlain built as his first colony in what became Acadia

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Halifax Citadel encampment 2024

 I was able to make it to at least one event for our unit during our 40th anniversary. 

Drummer Wagner and myself
My buddy Bill Thompson 

And yes, it was a fun day

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Great Northern War skirmish

 I finally got the chance to run an 18th century game. And since it's raining I can hang out in my garage and play. Scenario was a Swedish force attacks to raid the,Russian fort. The Russians charged out got cut down and the Swedes had fires for their meatballs while the rest went to IKEA he'd hee