Wednesday 8 August 2012

Louisbourg 1758 Landing

(from Osprey British Light Infantryman of the Seven Year's War) This was the initial attack on the beachhead.
(Gerry Embelton's work of a Light Infantrymen, courtsey of Osprey Wolfe's Army and Canadian Military Heritage website) This member could be of the 15th or 28th Regiments.

(photo courtsey of Flintlock and Tomahawk blog)

45th Regiment

(photos courtsey of Kerry Delorey)
Today's action was the amphibious assualt by the British on Kennington cove in June 1758 on the shores of Isle Royale to begin the siege of the Fortress of Louisbourg.
40th Foot and Royal Navy sailor at Kennington Cove

The Colors of the 15th, 45th, 60th regiments

Colours of the 78th Fraser's Highlanders.
(Photos courtsey of Kerry DeLorey)
Chartrand (2000.49) writes that the British began landing troops beginning at 4am. The Royal Navy gave covering fire and the troops went ashore. However, it wasn't just a matter of rowing, the seas were rough and this was being done under fire. The French occupied prepared position which had been dug back in the summer of 1757. Their fire was enough to halt the landing. Wolfe who was in a boat was able to notice a very small cove which was not covered by the French. He then led the Left division which consisted of several Grenadier companies, light infantry, rangers, and 78th Highlanders. This force was able to flank the French lines which collapsed. This is now a video clip on my youtube channel japanesehighlander.

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